Mission of the organization as a whole

Established in 2011 in Westchester, New York, Ballet des Amériques operates both a professional dance company and a pre-professional ballet conservatory with the dual mission of developing and attracting audiences locally, regionally, nationally and internationally with world-class dance performances featuring original choreographies by awarded director Carole Alexis and of training and educating students to the level of professional dancers who are able, upon graduation, to pursue dance careers with the world’s greatest companies and colleges.

The artistic and educational concept of Ballet des Amériques is to develop the tradition of classical dance for the world of the 21st century - for a globalized world of interacting cultures - with the particular aim of developing inclusive cultural communities.

Ballet des Amériques is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your generous contribution will help us fulfill our mission through our performance, training, and outreach programs.

Ballet des Amériques is a member of the International Dance Council - Conseil International de la Danse - UNESCO

​Copyright © 2011-2025 Ballet des Amériques, Inc. All rights reserved.

​Ballet des Amériques - Mission of the organization as a whole

Tradition into the XXI Century

It is simply the BEST!!!

Ballet des Amériques is an unparalleled professional conservatory training program! How fortunate we are to have a school of this caliber right here in Westchester, NY!! Carole Alexis is simply a master teacher and choreographer. Her expertise and care combined with her passion for teaching and skillful technical knowledge of dance pedagogy make for an unbeatable combination. We switched our then 11-year-old daughter to the BdA Conservatory training school last fall (2018) after she completed their four-week summer intensive in August 2018. Her progress after only 4 weeks was significantly measurable. For her and for us, the choice to make the move to Ballet des Amériques was a no-brainer. Having just finished her first year with the Academy in June 2019, we have only more wonderful things to say. She is truly a different dancer, more passionate about her training than ever and progressing by leaps and bounds (literally!) We were concerned at first about making the daily drive (she trains 6 days a week) from Nyack across the bridge all the way to Portchester, but it has proved manageable for us and well worth it! We would drive twice the distance for the quality of training she is receiving. It is simply the BEST!!! -Harriet Dunkerley, Parent

Наша 5-летняя дочь мечтала о балете с 2х летнего возраста. В этом году решили таки найти для нее хорошую школу балета. Выбор пал на Ballet des Amériques, о чем мы ни разу не пожалели. Ребенок счастлив, ходит с большим удовольствием (в отличие от обычной школы :-)), делает первые успехи под руководством очень классных тренеров! -Oleg Kozhan Parent, Greenwich, CT

My family and I are thrilled to have found Ballet des Ameriques. The school is a conservatory with a professional dance company. The teachers are outstanding – from Madame Alexis, to the company teachers, to the guest teachers. The curriculum designed by Carole Alexis is extremely well tailored for a student’s age and level. Our daughters started the ballet program later, beginning with the Summer Intensive when they were in 5th grade. They loved the Summer Intensive and auditioned to be part of the Conservatory. The younger students are amazing: to see their recitals is a joy. For parents of boys and girls who love to dance, I recommend you have them try Ballet des Ameriques. - Dorothy Lee, Parent Rye, NY

Desde el primer día de clases, quedamos encantados con el profesionalismo y la pasión de los profesores de BdA, así como también con la organización que apunta hacia una enseñanza personalizada. Mi hija, Camila, empezó a asistir a BdA cuando tenía 4 años y desde entonces sentimos que somos parte de una gran familia; y, como tal, vemos con agrado el desarrollo de nuestra pequeña no solo en esta danza como expresión artística, sino también en su crecimiento personal, debido al énfasis en los valores y respeto hacia los demás, mejorando su psicomotricidad, agilidad y coordinacion en sus movimientos.
Dos años después vemos que Camila ha mejorado su confianza y enfoque, aprendiendo el valor de la disciplina como tal. Somos muy afortunados de tener BDA en Portchester!! -Leonel Hidalgo, Parent Port Chester, NY

As a former dancer, as I began the search for a place for my then 4 year old daughter to begin her ballet training, the top of my list was impeccable technique. Ballet des Ameriques checked that box and so many more. Not only am I amazed by the amount of growth my now 5 year old daughter has made, but I am impressed by the diversity in the genres of dance (ballet, acro, Afro Caribbean, Jazz and Hip Hop in the summer). I am also in awe of the positive energy flowing from the older dancers in the conservatory. They have taken the pre-ballet students under their wings and have become role models growing their love of the art of dance. Madame Alexis is beyond knowledgable- she takes each child and ensures that their body is working to the maximum capacity with safety and proper technique in mind. The instructors are superb dancers and teachers. I am thrilled that my daughter is a part of such a passionate dance community. - Emili Isidori , Parent Greenwich, CT

Ballet des Ameriques is a beautiful school! Mme. Alexis and her teaching staff have created a very special and unique community among the students, teachers and company. The instruction is rigorous and Mme. Alexis has the highest expectations for each of her students and they thrive under her tutorage and encouragement. The ballerina's are supportive of one another as are the teachers. Mme. Alexis is a superior teacher!!!!

-Idil Barkan, Parent Rye, NY

Ballet des Amerique is a beautiful school! Mme. Alexis and her teaching staff have created a very special and unique community among the students, teachers and company. The instruction is rigorous and Mme. Alexis has the highest expectations for each of her students and they thrive under her tutorage and encouragement. The ballerina's are supportive of one another as are the teachers. Mme. Alexis is a superior teacher!!!!

Beth Ailanjian Rye, NY

Ballet des Amériques (BdA) is a dance institution with high professional standards. I had a chance to enjoy the company's work at BdA's annual fund raiser and it was impressive. While this organization was only founded in 2011, it is rapidly making a name for itself with its exquisite training and performances.
Moreover, some of BdA's company dancers were exclusively trained at the academy of BdA. It is obvious that the school offers quality ballet instruction that guides the student through the challenges and mysteries of ballet to its mastery.
In addition to its academy training, Ballet des Amériques is now opening its doors to all lovers of dance with a new General Program offering ballet as well as other forms of dance like jazz dance and Afro-Caribean dance. Classes will be taught by the same teachers.
In short, the work at BdA is making a significant contribution to the art of dance in the Tri-state area. Bravo!

-Dieter RiesleNYC

— reviews